Welcome to The Long and The Short of It

by Marc Greenberg, CFA - Greener Pastures

I’ve been around markets long enough to see a lot, do a lot and learn a lot as a Wall Street analyst and senior hedge fund executive, and now I'm here to share insights and humor to give your long/short game a lift.  

Why subscribe?

As a subscriber, you’ll gain access to weekly articles and useful data written for investors, rising talent, and leaders.  I’ve got you covered for how to get yourself off and running, getting better at making the donuts, and making a good firm great. There will be plenty of content on today’s essential ingredient, integrating technology and data, and there might even be a few podcasts with some of the hedge fund industry’s best. 

About Me

I’ve been following stocks and markets since graduating from Tufts when football helmets were still made of leather.  I got my CFA charter along the way, but I learned most of the best lessons by following stocks and working closely with investors on their professional development.  I started as a buy-side analyst, became a portfolio manager, and eventually moved over to the sell side.   

I was recognized as a leading analyst several times by both Institutional Investor and the Wall Street Journal while covering Beverage and Tobacco at PaineWebber and then Deutsche Bank, and at DB, I was given the opportunity to manage our associate analysts, focused primarily on development initiatives and creating best practices.  

I continued my career in research management, serving as Director of Research and Head of Professional Development at Point72, before building a new business called Idea Lab. Idea Lab pioneered what is now referred to as a quantamental approach.  We worked closely with the firm’s data teams, developed tools and applied machine learning techniques to both problem solving and getting the most from our professionals.  We worked diligently to integrate data into process and decision-making, cataloged our activities and outcomes, shared the best of what we learned internally and delivered a new hybrid investment approach.  I learned a lot there, and this informs much of what I am offering readers here. 

I then moved to a new firm called Cinctive Capital, working collaboratively to put talent, processes and tools in place before day 1 and seeing it successfully grow to over $1 billion.  I learned that building a true start-up is hard, but very rewarding work. Before starting Greener Pastures this year, I also served as Director of Research at a successful, long-tenured firm called J. Goldman & Co.  

Subscribe to The Long and The Short of It

For Investors, Leaders and Rising Talent in the Hedge Fund Industry - I'm here to share insights on how to get yourself off and running, get better at making the donuts, and make a good firm great.


Writer, "The Long and the Short of It" , a published content series designed to help Investors, Leaders and Rising Talent in the hedge fund industry.